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The provision and protection of this ministry is entrusted to the loving care of St. Joseph.
These videos are and always will be free to watch and share, but they are not free to make. Quality... costs money.

Support on Patreon
Give monthly at a variety of different levels. Each level has its own little perk as well as all members getting early access to videos.
Support on PAYPAL
Make a one time gift. This method is the best if you don't want to sign up for stuff and simply want to give. May God reward you for your generosity. This is helpful because sometimes the gear we need isn't on Amazon. This also helps to cover non equipment production expenses.

Support on Amazon
This gear list is VERY important. We produce the best in Catholic evangelization, on a youth ministers salary. I need your help. Get involved! You can contribute to work that helps to save souls. Thank you for your contribution, may the Lord give you some portion of the merit earned by this work. I assure you of my prayers and sacrifices on your behalf.

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